The Trash Fish – a campaign for cleaner waters
If we keep littering our waters, by 2050 there will be more plastic waste in the sea than fish. We with the Keep the Archipelago Tidy Association wanted to show the grim future of our oceans by creating these new fish species.
Team: Kuisma Väänänen, art director & Akseli Kouvo, copywriter
Other: Ida Sandberg, Veera Säilä, Nora Forsman, Aija Kaski, Atte Lindqvist, Mikko Toivonen, Jani Toom, Minja Tuomisalo & Kenneth Nylund
Year: 2017–2020
Other: Ida Sandberg, Veera Säilä, Nora Forsman, Aija Kaski, Atte Lindqvist, Mikko Toivonen, Jani Toom, Minja Tuomisalo & Kenneth Nylund
Year: 2017–2020

Besides the social media buzz the campaign was noted by two ministries in Finland and covered by over 16 different medias. On top of that, the poster was selected to serve as a learning material for several schoolbooks in Finland. For a tiny non-profit organization with a zero media budget this result is amazing!