Product photography for an ice cream brand
We wanted to create an unique photographic style which differentiates Classic from other ice cream brands: when a competitor smooths and polishes, the Classic will splash and blow but in a very tasty way, of course.
My role: Art Director / Concept design
Team: Kuisma Väänänen, Sari Kelkka, Kasper Hilden, Christina Nelskylä, Kalle Sirkiä & Cathy Lagus + photographer: Katri Kapanen
Agency: Mirum Helsinki
Year: 2019
Team: Kuisma Väänänen, Sari Kelkka, Kasper Hilden, Christina Nelskylä, Kalle Sirkiä & Cathy Lagus + photographer: Katri Kapanen
Agency: Mirum Helsinki
Year: 2019
